
By EricAdamson

What causes hair loss in women

What causes hair loss in women

A list of common causes of hair loss in women. Hair loss is caused by women’s health, diet and nutrition, Stress, Hormones, Genetics, Medications, Diseases, Medical Conditions Treatment for Skin, Acne Pregnancy, Menopausal, Andropause, Weight Loss, Exercise, Lifestyle, Home Remedies, Vitamins, supplements, herbs, beauty Tips and Masks, Makeup Shampoos, Conditioners.

Alopecia with traction

The cause of this is pulling on your scalp. It is possible to get it when you sleep with an untight ponytail or braid, or if you have hairstyles that pull at the roots of your hair. Traction alopecia usually begins with thinness around the sides of your heads and can progress to hairloss spots.

Permanent or temporary hair loss can occur. Hair loss that is temporary occurs as a result of hormonal changes that occur during menopausal, pregnancy, or after birth. Permanent hair loss happens when there aren’t any hairs on your scalp.

Hair loss may also result due to medical conditions like thyroid issues, anemia, diabetes, lupus, and cancer. Some medications can cause hair loss, such as birth control pills, chemotherapy medications, and some antidepressants.

Hair Loss Causes in Women:


Dandruff is a condition where dead skin cells fall off your scalp. This can cause your hair to appear lifeless and dull. You may not even be aware of dandruff until you start noticing white flaky patches on your scalp.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata can be described as a condition that causes small round bumps appear on the scalp. The bumps often itch or hurt, Health Advice but they don’t grow back once you’ve eliminated them. They’re usually painless, but some people experience headaches or feel tired.

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Trichotillomania (Trich)

Trichotillomania is a mental health issue that makes you pull out your own hair. People with trich tend to do this unconsciously and often without realizing. Consult your physician if you suspect you may have Trich.

Telogen Effluvium

A condition that causes hair loss suddenly occurs is called Telogen effluvium. This is distinct from other kinds of hair loss because it doesn’t cause any damage to the hair follicles. Telogen effluvium is the time when your body ceases to produce hair.

Anagen Effluvium

Anagen effluvium is a different form of hair loss, affects only the hair growing. This kind of loss in hair is less prevalent than telogen efluvieum.

Female Pattern Baldness

Female pattern baldness is one of the most frequent kinds of hair loss seen in women. The cause is hormones, known as androgens. These hormones can affect hair growth and stop hair from expanding.

Hair loss caused by chemotherapy

Chemotherapy treatments can result in hair loss in both females and males. Once treatment is finished the loss of hair can last for several months.

Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern hair loss is a genetic disease that causes hair loss in men. It is not connected to female pattern baldness.

Hair loss postpartum

Postpartum hair loss is a problem that many mothers face. It typically begins within three months of giving birth.

Hair Loss Due to Stress

Stress can cause hair loss. Stress can cause hair loss, however it is usually temporary. It can become a problem when you are worried about your hair falling out.

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Changes in hormones during menopausal

Hair loss can occur for women after menopause. After menopause, estrogen levels decrease. Estrogen helps keep your hair healthy. Hair can thin when hormone levels are low.

Treatments for Hair Loss that Cause Medications

Some medications can cause hair loss. For instance, isotretinoin (Accutane), chemotherapy drugs, and some antidepressants.

Vitamin Deficit

Hair loss can also be caused by vitamin deficiencies. Loss of hair can result from vitamin B12 deficiency.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections like tinea capitis can cause hair loss. Tinea capitis is an infection of the scalp. Tinea capitis can cause hair loss in children.

Certain skin conditions

The loss of hair can be caused by skin conditions, such as seborrheic dermatologitis. Seborrheic dermatologitis is a condition that causes inflammation of skin. It is most often seen on the scalp, face and chest.


Permanent scarring can cause permanent skin damage. In rare instances, scars could result in hair loss.

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia, pronounced “hairlessness,” can be spelled as “ah-LOH”-pee-kuh. The most prevalent type is known as female pattern hair loss (FPHL). Around 80% of females over 50 are affected by this type of condition. FPHL generally begins around 30, and can last until menopausal.

Other forms of alopecia include male pattern hair loss (MPHL) that is only for males; alopecia areata, which is a form of hair loss; androgenetic alopecia, which is a genetic disorder that results in hair loss for both males and females.

How Common Is Hair Loss in women?

One in three women loses hair before the age of 40. About half of women who reach the age of 60 will have suffered some hair loss.

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How Can I Tell If My Hair Loss is Normal?

If you’re experiencing any type of loss of hair, speak with your physician. If you experience any new hair loss it is recommended to talk to your physician. Your doctor might recommend an examination of your body as well as blood tests or an examination for a biopsy.

The doctor you see will likely inform you that loss of hair is not serious enough to cause concern if you are deemed healthy. This doesn’t mean you won’t feel any signs of loss of hair.

Is there a method to prevent hair loss?

Certain lifestyle choices can help to prevent hair loss. These include eating a nutritious diet and regularly exercising.

Can Hair Transplantation Help Me?

Hair transplant surgery is another option for those who wish to restore their hair growth. Although there are many advantages for having hair transplants, they aren’t always right for everyone. Talk to your doctor before making any decisions.