
By EricAdamson

Propecia is an effective pill for male pattern hair loss

Premature hair loss is a common condition in men. It is known as male-pattern baldness. The effects of testosterone, the primary male sexhormone-on your hair follicles is what causes male pattern baldness. After puberty, this hormone is found in high levels in the body. It is converted to dihydrotestosterone by the enzyme 5-alpha reduce. DHT affects hormone receptors in your hair follicles, slowing down the production of hair. DHT can cause hair to become shorter and less dense than usual, and even stop growing altogether. This gradual process eventually leads to total or partial hair loss.

Male patten hair loss stages

Androgenetic alopecia is usually diagnosed after puberty. It usually starts at the end. Most men experience hair loss in their 20s and 30s. Initial hair loss is a receding hairline that gradually leads to thinned hair at the top. Both areas will eventually converge and form a U-shaped shape around the back and sides of the head. The growth rate slows down and the remaining hair becomes finer, if any. Most men experience moderate hair loss by the age of 50. This hormonal condition may be genetic.

What is Propecia?

Propecia (active ingredient Finasteride) can be used to treat androgenetic hair loss. Clinically, this medication has been shown to reduce hair loss and promote hair growth in around 80% of cases. Propecia can be used long-term in almost all cases of androgenetic hair loss. You can now Buy Finasteride in Canada, which is Propecia’s active ingredient. It helps to reduce the levels of dihydrotestosterone in the scalps genetically predisposed men.

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How does Propecia work

Finasteride works by blocking the action 5-alpha reductase and reducing testosterone levels in the scalp. This decreases the negative effects of DHT on hair follicles, and can even reverse hair loss. DHT levels have been reduced by approximately 60% with Finasteride. Propecia treatment must be continued for approximately 3-6 months to reap the maximum benefits.

Propecia side effects

Propecia can also cause side effects in your body similar to other drugs. These could include low libido and temporary impotence. Most side effects are temporary and disappear quickly. Women who are pregnant should avoid finasteride contact. It is known to cause birth defects and other problems in the male fetus. This hair loss medication should be taken according to your doctor’s instructions. Propecia was specifically designed to address the symptoms of male pattern baldness. It is not recommended for women suffering from female pattern baldness.