Tooth Implants

By EricAdamson

The Latest Technology in Teeth Implants provide a reason to Smile

Teeth implants with the latest technology offer patients a reason to smile!

Teeth that are white Teeth Implants provide and healthy are an indication of good health in both body and mind. They also add great value to our social status. No matter our age, missing teeth can make eating difficult as well as making life in general more challenging.

The evidence for Dental Implants is mounting. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID), more than 30 million Americans are missing teeth in either jaw. In 2010, alone, 3 million Americans received implants – and this number is expected to grow at an annual rate of 500,000.

Tooth Implants have been around for some time, but installation usually takes a significant amount of time depending on the number and condition of the patient. On average, it may take anywhere from six months to a year to complete this procedure depending on how many implants are needed and their individual condition.

Technology is always developing. Recent breakthroughs such as 3D radiographic imaging scans, soft tissue grafting, and advanced construction materials have enabled new solutions for missing teeth to emerge with innovative treatments like:

All-on-4 Implants: Although this technology has been around for approximately 10 years, few people are familiar with it. A set of four implants attaching dentures to the jawbone provide secure anchorage and allow a full mouth made up of all-on-4 implants to be installed within just one day – guaranteeing perfect fit due to the soft and flexible material surrounding them that adapts easily to any mouth. Food that can be eaten immediately following installation is solid food.

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Mini Tooth Implants: Mini-Tooth implants are about the size of a toothpick and can be used in places regular-sized implants cannot. They’re ideal for older adults since they don’t require screws or jawbone grafting and can be placed within an hour; however, soft food must be consumed for several days following surgery.

Immediate Load Tooth Implants: This is the quickest option, as everything can be completed in one visit. You may even get to enjoy dinner out that same night! Unfortunately, some problems may arise since your new teeth are put into use before enough bone has formed around the implant and secured it to your jaw. But if time is of the essence, immediate load Tooth Implants could be your ideal solution; many patients have reported no issues whatsoever after having immediate load Tooth Implants.

Regular Tooth Implants: This traditional procedure is the slowest option and requires a jawbone that is wide and strong. Only a few full-sized screws can be secured to the jawbone at once for added security. For implants that require more than two or three teeth, multiple appointments may be required, with at least 3 to 6 months for the bone to grow around the screw and another three to six months until permanent crowns replace temporary ones. Treatments for mouth conditions depend on a patient’s teeth, jaws and bone structure. While certain treatments work for everyone, others have limited options. Consulting a dentist or oral surgeon is recommended before investing in these Teeth Implants provide as they can be costly; one tooth implant could cost up to $2,000. A full mouth could range between $30,000-$50,000.

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